July 6, 2014

Target Shopping Trip 7/6

Target Shopping Trip

Tide Oxi Multi-Purpose Stain Remover $8.99
Used two BOGO Tide Oxi Multi-Purpose Stain Remover Free, Up to $12.99 P&G 7/6 (exp 7/31), my coupons auto deducted $12.99
Used four $2.00/1 Tide Oxi Multi-Purpose Stain Remover Target Store Peelie Coupons that expired on 6/30 (my Target store accepts expired coupons up to 2 weeks past the expiration date)
Used 5% Off Tide Oxi Multi-Purpose Stain Remover Target Cartwheel Offer
Total: $1.02 for all 4

Nabisco Oreo Cookies $2.00
Used $1.00/2 Nabisco Products Peelie coupon (exp 8/31)
Total: $ 1.50 each

Silk Almond Milk (Not Pictured) $3.00, bought 2
Used two $1.50/1 Silk Half Gallon Milk RP 6/15 (exp 7/30)
And Used two $1.00/1 Silk Half Gallon Milk Target Store Coupon (target.com)
Total: $0.50 each

Snickers $0.79, bought 5 (1 is not pictured because my kids ate it)
Used five Get a Free Snickers Candy Bar, Up to $1.29 (exp 7/30) coupons are from Facebook Snickers Game, coupons auto deducted $1.29
Total: Free + $2.00 plus overage

Used reusable bags to lower my OOP.
Total before coupons: $49.91
Total After Coupons: $2.52!

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