December 6, 2013

I found a Clorox store hang tag coupon!

So on my travels today I found this! I was kind enough to ask a store employee if I can take 4 of them even though I was not purchasing this product. She said I could, They had boxes of them in the back and they were just putting them out. She then told me I could leave them there and she'll run to the back and grab me 4. She came out with like 20! I told her no no no I can't take all of those! I will only take 4! I'm not a greedy couponer. I teach my readers/fans all the time to not be greedy and save those for other people. Give them the opportunity to grab a deal. Sharing is caring. She Thanked me for being considerate of others. I merely just put myself in other people's shoes. 

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